Blackjack Python 3

Today, we will study blackjack by writing up a blackjack simulator in Python, simulating a bunch of games, and then studying how our player did. I will assume some basic familiarity with the game of Blackjack, but here is a quick refresher for how the game is played: Players make their bets. Players are dealt 2 cards. One direction where we can take our programming skills is game development. Here, we'll build a text based Blackjack engine that allows us to play against a dealer, who follows conventional house rules. The logic of blackjack is simple, but is sufficiently complex that we can gain valuable experience for making more complicated games later on. As we said, this engine has several.

This first thing we need to do is create a deck of cards. In order to make a deck of cards we must first understand what a deck of cards is.

A pack is made up of 52 cards (excluding jokers)


Each card in the deck has three attributes:

Blackjack Python 3 Tutorial

  • Its name
    • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,jack,queen,king
  • Its value:
    • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
  • Its suit:
    • Spades, Diamonds,Hearts,Clubs.

In Python it is easy to create this full deck of cards using 2 lists and a couple of for loops:

Here we have created a list of 52 cards, with each card consisting of a tuple of 2 values:



Once we have created the deck of cards it is useful to create a few helper functions to deal with the pack.

  • getRealName – This returns the card’s full name in a human readable form
  • getValue – This return’s the card’s value, useful for calculations

Creating the mainScreen


In order to create the main game screen we first need to come up with a plan! You can have a look at my plan to the right of the screen.

Blackjack Python 3

From the plan I can see that I am going to need:


  • A MainScreen() function
  • A function to display whose turn it is
  • A function to display each player’s hand
  • A function to get input from the player
  • A function to calculate & display who is the winner / loser.
  • A function to calculate a player’s score.


  • playerTurn variable to keep track of whose turn it is.
  • A round variable to see if it is round one or 2.

Blackjack Python 3 Download

Data Structures

  • A list for each player to contain the cards that they have been dealt.

Blackjack Python 3 Script

Blackjack Python 3

Blackjack Python 3 Free