Spirit 777

Sacred Wisdom Keeper — 777. 777 is a sign of secret wisdom. You are the keeper of sacred spiritual knowledge. This has been revealed to you because of your dedication to your spiritual path and the Universe’s trust that your soul will share it with others as needed for their personal evolutionary journey. 're Interacting in Perfect Synchronicity With The Universe. Whenever you’re seeing the 777. Walking in the Spirit demands that you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit. The two go hand in hand. In this lesson, you will learn about each individual fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control—and how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to cultivate these fruits. Angel number 777 is special because it has the spiritual energy of the number 7 repeated three times. This number is reserved for special messages about your recent thoughts and prayers. According to scripture, seeing 777 is symbolic of perfection, spirituality, and completion. Think back to the last time you saw this number sequence.

Have you been seeing 777 frequently or other repeating numbers with the number 7? Curious what angel number 777 means?

Let me tell you what I found out:

Seeing 777 is a spiritual message from your guardian angel.

Angels are sent by God to guard us in all ways (Psalm 91:11) and to deliver messages (Luke 1:19). One way they might communicate with you is through Angel Numbers, or repeated number sequences.

Ready to find out what 777 really means?

Let’s get started.

777 Meaning in the Bible

Spirit number 777

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Angel number 777 is special because it has the spiritual energy of the number 7 repeated three times. This number is reserved for special messages about your recent thoughts and prayers. According to scripture, seeing 777 is symbolic of perfection, spirituality, and completion.

Think back to the last time you saw this number sequence. If the number immediately caught your attention, it’s likely that your guardian angel was trying to send you an important message.

I’ll explain more about what this means later.

Meaning of Angel Number 7:

Angel number 7 is a symbol of physical and spiritual perfection or completeness in the bible. Creation was complete on the 7th day when God rested. Nothing more needed to be added or removed and was therefore perfect. The book of Revelation describes 7 trumpets that will announce the rapture. When the 7th trumpet sounds, 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever' (Revelation 11:15). At that point His kingdom will be complete.

The number 7 has a very powerful spiritual meaning. In my experience only a select group of people receive this message from their guardian angel.

If you are one of the people who received this message, there are only three possible meanings of angel number 777.

Here’s what your guardian angel might be trying to tell you:

1. You Struggle With Confidence

At times you are fun and carefree, yet you often struggle with self-confidence and can be very reserved. You’ve had times in your life when you doubted whether anyone would see the real beauty inside of you.

Angel number 777 is a message from your guardian angel that you were made in God’s image and are perfect just as you are.

You try not to compare yourself to others, but you find yourself new buying clothes or dressing a certain way to impress others. No matter what you try it still feels like others can see straight through the facade you put up.

The next time you see 777, take a deep breath and thank God for making you the strong and amazing person you are today.

2. You Will Receive the Gift of Discernment

You have the unique ability to separate truth from lies. It is not hard for you to spot when someone is putting up a front and trying to take advantage of you.

Seeing 777 is a message from your guardian angel that you have been given the spiritual gift of discernment. This is a special gift of intuition and insight that makes you feel “tuned in” to people or situations (1 Corinthians 12:10).

When you hear about a new idea, you understand it immediately without the need to think it over like others do. You are a fast learner.

This gift has been given you by God to help protect others and keep them from being led astray (Acts 16:16-18).

3. You Are a Spiritual Being

Spirituality and religion are very important parts of your life. You have faith in your heart that you were put here on earth for a wonderful purpose. Even if you don’t attend church as much as you would like, you still deeply believe in God or a higher power.

At times you can feel the presence of angels around you or see signs that they were once in the same room as you. You have recently had a spiritual or mystical experience that has only increased your faith in God.

The appearance of angel number 777 means God acknowledges your faith in him. Thank him for this sign in during your prayers and continue to glorify him in all that you do. Use the spiritual gifts he has given you to share his word with others.

Read Next:What Does it Mean When You See 888?

Now It's Your Turn

And now I’d like to hear from you.

Where have you been seeing angel number 777?

Spirit 777

What message do you think angels are sending you?

Either way let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

Learn To Walk In The Fullness Of Your
Spiritual Gifts, Fruit And Life!

Discover How To Be Continuously Filled
With The Holy Spirit!

Click the play button below to watch the full replay for
Being Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
with Jennifer LeClaire on November 7

Additional Bonus Resources

CLICK HERE to download the Study Guide


We need the Holy Spirit more than we know.

He gives us strength. He comforts us. He helps us resist temptation and so much more.

In the Book of Acts, we see the apostles were filled with the Spirit over and over—it wasn't a one-time occasion.

How do you get and stay filled with the Holy Spirit? How do you know you're really filled with the Spirit?

Wherever you are in the Lord, you can go deeper with the Holy Spirit.

Scripture gives compelling proof for the baptism in the Holy Spirit in order to build your faith for your first encounter or a continuous filling.

In this session, I will convince you biblically that being continuously filled with the Holy Spirit is vital to walking in victory, and release prayers over you to be filled so your spiritual gifts can rise to a higher level.

If you want to learn to walk in the fullness of your spiritual gifts, fruit and life, then I invite you to join me for...

Walking in the Spirit

Take Your Spiritual Gifts, Fruit and Walk to the Next Level

Everywhere I travel around the world, people are hungry for a move of the Holy Spirit. The reality is, that move starts in you.

You don't need a corporate gathering to have a move of the Holy Spirit in your life. He lives on the inside of you and wants to move in you, through you and for you (see 1 Corinthians 3:16).

If you crave a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, if you need to hear His voice more clearly, if you want to discern His leading more accurately, if you want to move in His gifts more frequently, I want to help you experience more of the Holy Spirit!

For decades I've been walking with the Holy Spirit, teaching others the principles of living, moving and having their beings in Him (see Acts 17:28).

That's why I've created an 8-lesson class designed to help you take your spiritual life to the next level! This course builds line up on line, precept upon precept, to teach, inspire and empower you to see a move of God in your life on a daily basis.

Discouragement and frustration are not your portion. When you learn these principles, you can live in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (see Romans 14:17).

I hope you will join me for this life-changing class, Walking in the Spirit!

Class Overview

Here is an overview of the Walking in the Spirit 8-Lesson Class:

Week 1: (November 28)

Lesson 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit?

Do you really know Him? This foundational teaching will introduce you to the person of the Holy Spirit and His role in the Godhead, a vital revelation for walking in peace and power. You will receive a deeper revelation of the Holy Spirit as both a deity with a distinct personality and as a Helper who is always on stand-by.

Lesson 2: Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit

An ever-increasing relationship with the Holy Spirit helps you to walk through the challenges and navigate the opportunities in your life. In this teaching, I will share the importance of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, offering practical examples of how you can fellowship daily with Him.

Week 2: (December 5)

Lesson 3: Walking in the Spirit

When you hear the phrase 'walking in the Spirit,' have you ever wondered what that really means in your everyday life? And how do we do that, exactly? In this teaching, you'll discover scriptural definitions and practical insights into to walk in the Spirit as you battle against the flesh, the world and the devil.

7777 Spirit Meaning

Lesson 4: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit demands that you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit. The two go hand in hand. In this lesson, you will learn about each individual fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control—and how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to cultivate these fruits. Moreover, you'll walk away with a greater desire to manifest His fruit to the glory of Christ.

Week 3: (December 12)

Lesson 5: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

God wants you to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, but you need to understand what they are, so you can cooperate more fully with His leading to release them. In this lesson, you will learn about each individual gift of the Spirit, its purpose, and how to recognize its manifestation.

Lesson 6: How to be Led by the Spirit

It is important to be led by the Spirit of God all day every day. When you grasp these principles, it changes everything. In this teaching, you'll receive practical insights from Scripture for being led by the Holy Spirit—you’ll learn to separate what is flesh, what is your spirit and what is the Holy Spirit.

Week 4: (December 19)

Lesson 7: Exercising the Spirit of Prophecy

The Bible says all can prophesy. But all don't. This lesson gives special emphasis to the spirit of prophecy and how you can learn to flow in this simple yet powerful gift. You'll also receive practical steps for accurately judging prophecy.

Lesson 8: Learning to Flow with the Spirit of God in Ministry

The Holy Spirit's gifts should be released in His precision and timing. In this lesson, you will learn keys to flow with the Spirit of God, including what quenches His Spirit. You’ll learn to discern which way the Holy Spirit wants to move and how to keep strange fire and excesses out of ministry.

If you want to learn to walk in the fullness of your spiritual gifts, fruit and life, you won't want to miss this class!

I hope you will join me!

Jennifer LeClaire


The sooner you join, the more bonuses you will receive!!!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us...
(Ephesians 3:20)

Bonus: 63% Cash Savings

The normal retail price for this LIVE training and all associated resources for an ENTIRE YEAR is $800 (or $100 per live session).

However, by signing up before 11:45 pm Eastern Time on November 20th, you receive a $500 savings, making your price only $300. And we offer you three different payment options to fit your budget. After this date the price will increase, so be sure to sign up by November 20th.

Bonus: 2-for-1 Special

With this bonus, you can split the cost with one other person or invite that person to join the class for free.

This special will allow you to save 50% off our already reduced price if you are willing to do a little bit of work to find two other people to participate with you.

To receive the 2-for-1 special, only one person should sign up and pay below. After signing up, that person will receive an email with instructions to invite the other person to sign up for free. If choosing to split the cost, the two people are then responsible for arranging the compensation with one another. With the 2-for-1 special, only one person is allowed to make the payments for this class online.

Receive this bonus by signing up before 11:45 pm Eastern on November 17.

Bonus: 'Prayer Strategies for Prodigals and Lost Loved Ones' – Video Class by Jennifer LeClaire

In this important video class, Jennifer LeClaire gives powerful strategies for interceding for your lost family members and prodigals who have strayed away from the Lord. If you have unsaved family members or people for whom you are believing for breakthrough, then this video class is for you!

Encourage your faith as you press into God in prayer for those you love! These are days of a great harvest in Jesus' name.

Receive this bonus by signing up before 11:45 pm Eastern on November 15.

How This Class Works

Starting Wednesday November 28, 2018, I (Jennifer LeClaire) am teaching this LIVE weekly online training program.

The purpose of this class is to teach you how to walk in the Spirit so you can take your spiritual fruit, gifts, and wisdom to the next level.

Here are the topics and dates for the LIVE lessons that take place online via webinar on Wednesdays from 2:00-4:00 pm Eastern Time (New York):

  • Lesson 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit? (November 28)
  • Lesson 2: Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit (November 28)
  • Lesson 3: Walking in the Spirit (December 5)
  • Lesson 4: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit (December 5)
  • Lesson 5: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit (December 12)
  • Lesson 6: How to be Led by the Spirit (December 12)
  • Lesson 7: Exercising the Spirit of Prophecy (December 19)
  • Lesson 8: Learning to Flow with the Spirit of God in Ministry (December 19)
  • The live classes are interactive, allowing participants to learn from one another, grow, and build COMMUNITY in a safe and trusting environment.

    If you miss a live lesson (or all of them for that matter), that is OK because we have replays for each session. After each lesson, you will be provided with a coaching guide to help you process and apply what you are learning.

    Spirit 777

    As a member, you will have access to a private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, coaching guides, PowerPoints, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning during the live weekly coaching/training sessions.

    You will also have access to a private Facebook group to let you interact and build relationships with other like-minded team members globally.

    It's great to know you can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world. All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.

    100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    I know this training will give you tools to equip you to grow in the prophetic, so I'm offering a 100% money back guarantee with this training program. So, if for any reason you are not delighted with this class within 30 days of when it starts, we will refund your entire investment.

    You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

    Your success is our success and vice versa!

    Summary of What You Get

    Spirit Airlines 777

    8-Week LIVE class starting November 28, 2018

    • Lesson 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit? (November 28)
    • Lesson 2: Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit (November 28)
    • Lesson 3: Walking in the Spirit (December 5)
    • Lesson 4: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit (December 5)
    • Lesson 5: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit (December 12)
    • Lesson 6: How to be Led by the Spirit (December 12)
    • Lesson 7: Exercising the Spirit of Prophecy (December 19)
    • Lesson 8: Learning to Flow with the Spirit of God in Ministry (December 19)


    • Bonus 1: 63% off the class ($300 instead of $800) (sign up by Nov 20)
    • Bonus 2: 2-for-1 Special (sign up by Nov 17)
    • Bonus 3: 'Prayer Strategies for Prodigals and Lost Loved Ones' Video Class by Jennifer LeClaire (sign up by Nov 15)

    Additional Benefits

    • Access to private member site with audio and video replays, transcripts, coaching guides, PowerPoints, and more
    • Access to private Facebook group
    • 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

    Walking in the Spirit
    Priority Order Form

    YES! I want to walk in the fullness of my spiritual gifts, fruit and life!

    Special Offers:

    The normal price for this powerful LIVE class for all 8 weeks is $800 USD.

    Receive these bonuses by signing up before 11:45 pm Eastern on Nov 15:

    • Bonus 1: 63% off the class ($300 instead of $800) (sign up by Nov 20)
    • Bonus 2: 2-for-1 Special (sign up by Nov 17)
    • Bonus 3: 'Prayer Strategies for Prodigals and Lost Loved Ones' Video Class by Jennifer LeClaire (sign up by Nov 15)

    CLICK the payment option you prefer to join!

    All payments are processed using a secure server.

    Blessings to walk in the fullness of the Spirit!


    Jennifer LeClaire
    Founder, Jennifer LeClaire Ministries


    Jennifer LeClaire is an internationally recognized author, conference speaker, and apostolic-prophetic voice to her generation. She carries a reforming voice that inspires and challenges believers to pursue intimacy with God, cultivate their spiritual gifts and walk in the fullness of what God has called them to do.

    Jennifer is the senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Blaze prayer movement, and previously served as the editor of Charisma magazine. She is a prolific author who has written over 25 books and authors one of Charisma’s most popular prophetic columns, The Plumb Line.

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